Monday, May 23, 2011

I Love Trader Joe's

I love kale.  I like it steamed and stirfried with brown rice or oven baked with olive oil and salt.  My mom used to (try to) make us drink kale juice.  Imagine vegetable juice with bits of kale floating in it.  Nasty.  But I get what she was trying to do.  It's not that kale is all that yummy but it's tasty and it's soooo good for you.  It's an empowering food.  And now, Trader Joe's has made my life easier.  Kale in a bag!  Washed and cut.  

I desperately need a camera!  This picture is dreadful.

Set your oven to 410.  Toss kale with olive oil and just a bit of salt.  It's a food for champions.

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