Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Summer Eats (Part III)

I love the nytimes food section.  Mark Bittman is the best!  His recipes incorporate whole foods, simple instructions and room to improvise.  

Arugula Pasta (adapted from The Minimalist) - Feeds 4
1/2 pound of spaghetti
1 bag of arugula 
2 cloves of garlic for sardines 
2 cloves of garlic for tomatoes
1 can of olive oil packed boneless sardines (trader joes sells these - for those of you who think you don't like sardines, try it.  they are really tasty.)
1 pint of cherry tomatoes (or the like)

1.  Set a pot of salted water to boil.
2.  Pour some olive oil into a small non-stick pan.  Add sliced garlic.  Add halved tomatoes.  Reduce heat and let it alone.  
3.  Pour in about 1/3 cup of olive oil in a large non-stick pan.  Add sliced garlic and let it sizzle.  Add sardines and saute with salt and crushed peppers.
4.  Cook pasta according to directions minus one minute of cooking time.  Add cooked pasta directly from the pot to the pan of garlic and sardines (reserving the pasta water).  If the pasta appears dry, add some reserved pasta water to the pan.
5.  Once the tomatoes have cooked down and thickened, pour mixture on top of the pasta.
6.  Lay down the arugula in a large serving dish.  Dump the pasta on top and mix.

When we eat a non-Korean meal like this, I am always tempted to bring out the kimchee.  But it just doesn't seem right.  So I settle for cornichons or dill pickles.  I recently made pickled moo.  This is a good compromise.  In Korea, this moo is traditionally served with fried chicken.  

Pickled Moo (adapted from a week of menus)
*a word of warning:  moo is stinky once it is pickled.  You have been warned.
1 medium sized Korean daikon or moo (korean daikon is different from japanese daikon - it is usually sold in Korean markets)
1 cup of white vinegar
1 cup of water
1/2 cup of sugar
2 teaspoons of salt

1.  Cut up the moo into small cubes.
2.  Mix the vinegar, water, sugar and salt.  Make sure that the sugar is completely dissolved.
3.  Put the moo into a glass jar and pour the vinegar mixture over the moo.
4.  Wait 5-7 days and enjoy!

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